After 6 months of intensive courses and projects, I finally completed Udacity’s Artificial Intelligence Nanodegree!
Some cool projects I have built:
- Solve a Sudoku with AI
- Teaching PacMan to Search
- Solve Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) using Simulated Annealing
- Build a Dog Breed Classifier using CNN
- Predict Time Series Apple stock price using RNN
- Sentiment Analysis on IMDB Movie Reviews
- Build English-to-French Machine Translation
Key skills learned:
- define and solve a problem in AI domain
- A* search
- simulated annealing
- logic and reasoning
- planning
- probability and Bayes nets
- hidden Markov models
- deep neural network
- convolutional neural network
- recurrent neural network
- computer vision
- natural language processing
Key techniques used:
- Python
- Keras
- Tensorflow
- Pandas
- Numpy
- scikit learn